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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rocks in my head

So, I need to learn more about this, but it's not *just* about carbs. Added sugar, we know is bad, no discussion needed. BUT ... starch? Yeah, it turns out, that's super bad, too. In the body it instantly & easily becomes plain old sugar. That includes all those root veggies I love :(

But the real superfood seems to be fiber. I'm cheating the system right now by supplementing it, but let me tell you - GOSH, what a difference!

I need to find a way to pump up the natural fiber, while keeping the sugar & starch low. That means sugary fruit (apples), and things like carrots & parsnips are not my friends right now. They have great nutrient profiles - but I just can't take the insulin hit.

An interesting theory put forward in Don't Eat For Winter is that seasonally autumnal foods naturally trigger our body to put on weight.

What foods are seasonally autumnal? Apples, other tree fruit, root veggies, and all the stuff that takes all summer to grow.

Gotta eat like it's Spring! Lean meats & low carb...

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