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Friday, February 03, 2006

The Geographic Center of Nowhere

The Geographic Center of Nowhere
Originally uploaded by The Put-Man.

Sometimes a long drive to nowhere, with a good friend, and lot's to catch up on...yeah...that's good medicine for the soul.

Now if there was just somewhere out here to pee...?

In January, I successfully accomplished my goal of achieving a TV free life. I have now been without TV service for more than 6 weeks. This is a good thing.

For February, my goal is to become a morning workout person.

Oh, quit laughing...that's not very supportive...!

January pretty much sucked...

Picture 1.jpg
Originally uploaded by The Put-Man.

Thank God that crappy month is over...HELLO FEBRUARY!!!

Happy Birthday, Frances!

Will & Fran.jpg
Originally uploaded by The Put-Man.

Frances Hart Asby arrived yesterday 2/2/2006 at
6:35am. She was 8 lbs 6 oz and 20 inches long.