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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A case of the Mondays?

Considering it was a Monday, with no food prep, no grocery shopping, and nearly overwhelming exhaustion (after a 'force-march' of a weekend), things went surprisingly well. Breakfast was on-track, lunch was a good salad (gotta stop the San Pelligrino), and my afternoon was busy enough to keep me away from the vending machines. An unpictured after-school-snack of two polish sausages was totally on-plan, and having dinner delivered from Outback was an on-plan treat! Late evening TV snack was a handful of grapes, and my only real slip-up was one sourdough roll while cleaning up dinner. I'm fighting through the battle of having off-plan food in the house (kids, wife, and life), but it's still too easy to tempt me to the dark side when it's left out on the counters. I'll see it & think about it half a dozen times, but I have to realize that at the end of the night I have 'decision fatigue' (no gas left in the willpower tank). I need to be more proactive about putting that shit away & out of sight as soon as I see it, to help out my future self a few hours (or even minutes) down the road.


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