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Monday, September 21, 2009

...better with bacon...

Originally uploaded by The Put-Man
Hello, Internet. I've missed you!

Guess what? Since we last spoke, I've lost 50lbs!

Yes, you read that correctly - 50 (fifty) lbs!

After more weight loss frustration early in the year, I actually gave up. I was tired of beating my head against the wall, tired of constantly feeling like I'd failed. A friend researched some different plans, and she talked me into reading a book about Atkins.

I began on June 1st.

The first week was all about the sugar withdrawls, and all I can say is - WOW. Anyone who put up with me - you are truly a friend.

The rest fo the first month was learning how to implement the system for myself, and by the time I hit July, I was rolling pretty well with it.

My energy has increased a ton, too!

...anyway, read up on it:

I'll continue with my story, and try to motivate you to grab onto my success!

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