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Monday, August 06, 2007

So...that next project? MY FAT ASS.

The New Breakfast Plan
Originally uploaded by The Put-Man.

Project: "Lee's Fat Ass" begins today.

Or I should say - it resumes.

Version 304 of the plan.

Things have to be adjusted from time to time, you know...and I've been wrestling with this issue for well over a decade. I have been achieving some minor successes for about 4 years now. Much like minor skirmishes won in wartime, I have gained little ground, but these small victories are good for troop morale.

Keep up the good fight, and so forth.

My current plan focuses more on "The Process". Firstly, I place Peapod and Dinner By Design orders well ahead of time, so that I always have supplies on-hand, and need not fight the unwashed masses at the local grocery emporium. After all, if I have stuff ready to cook - that is damn near easier than calling my friends at Dominoes - and THAT is where this battle is fought every day.

Secondly, begining Sunday night, I prep for the following day. The gym bag gets prepped and loaded in the car. Breakfast is assembled, the shake made, and lunchbox is placed in fridge. Next day's Dinner By Design meal is chosen from the freezer, and also placed in the fridge.

It works like this:

I get up, shower and dress for work, grab lunch box, head to office. While checking new emails and sipping first cup of coffee, I have my breakfast from the lunchbox.

Cereal - 200
Milk - 130
OJ Smoothie - 300
V-8 - 30
Bagel - 230

Breakfast Total - 890 calories. I know I have way too many calories in the OJ smoothie - but it's GOOD, and the vitamins are good for me too. Something to tweak later.

Lunch is with friends. I try as much as possible to eliminate eating alone, and the social time is good for me. At this point, I strive only to have a "reasonable" lunch - more like a soup and sandwich combo, less like burger and fries. No fast food. Easily tweakable in the future.

Mid Afternoon - 4pm-ish

The Shake - 2 cups of skim milk, 2 scoops chocolate protien mix, 1 cup frozen berries, 1 packet oatmeal - blended into yummy goodness. I dropped the protien mix to 2 scoops from 4 to help reduce the total calories, and have added the berries permanently for thier OUTSTANDING antioxidant qualities. Also convinced the oatmeal helps the blood counts.

About 5pm I leave work, and since the gym bag is already in the car, and I feel good for having thusly followed an all too easy plan - I actually go to the gym. The trick, with me, is to just get my fat butt in the door. Once there I really don't mind it so much. of course, it helps if there are chickies to look at, but we each find our own motivation. The shake provides fuel for the workout, and keeps me from turning into Starvin' Marvin.

Leave gym, come home, pop my Dinner By Design meal into the oven. While waiting on it to cook, I re-load the gym bag, and immediately put it back in the car. I pack breakfast, and make the next day's shake. Load the lunchbox, place in fridge for next day.

Eat dinner.


Get up...

Rinse and repeat as needed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! Great plan-