I've said it before, but it bears repeating - Nothing succeeds like success!
This may be more of my own personal truth, rather than a universal truism! 90% of my battle is inside my own head, so it's good for me to be self-aware.
So - I'm trying some new things! The Nutrient Optimizer is great - however I still prefer logging my food through My Fitness Pal vs. Chronometer. I know Chronometer is 'better', but the food database isn't nearly as complete, so it's a moot point. If I can figure out how to download MFP to then upload to Nutrient Optimizer ... then that'd be a helluva win!
I also signed up for Day Two. They analyze (DNA Sequence) your gut microbiome, in order to give tailored recommendations around carb tolerance. I have my personalized conference the morning of July 12th, so stay tuned! Some of the default advice looks pretty standard (remove red meat / eat more whole grains - ugh!), but I still have hope that it'll give me some good insights.
...and I signed up for the Balanced Bites nutritional Master Class! I've wanted to do this for a few years, so I finally bit the bullet! THIS is going to be good - I really like the common sense Paleo approach, and I hope this lets me drill down beyond the typical Cross Fit athlete style recommendations.
I know that my home-brew routine is working right now. My paleo / whole food / low carb / nutrient focused outlook "works", but I need to know "why", so that I can continue to refine it. I have to keep my own interest, fight my cravings, and push through plateaus. It's a tall order!
...but I'm figuring it out, and getting there with a 'progress, not perfection' mindset. I've just gotta keep the momentum of progress going!!!
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