I never really expected to see this day, or, certainly not with this degree of success. 120 days of no grains, no dairy, no (added) sugar, no booze, no legumes, no processed foods of any sort. Aqua Fit, and LOTS of dog walks for Clyde...
120 days ago, walking the half mile loop around my block was tough - my knees hurt all the time, and that walk would require Advil afterwards. I couldn't walk up my stairs without SERIOUSLY pulling on the rail, and loosing my breath. I was 440lbs at my heaviest, wearing size 62 dress pants. I was on several types of heart medication, I had several rotten headaches every week, and my brain always felt fuzzy & disconnected.
I was a mess.
Previous attempts at Health & Fitness had always failed me. Even ifI had limited success (like with my Atkins experiment in 2009, when I lost 80lbs), I would always backslide, having never made the jump from 'diet' (temporary change), to 'lifestyle change'... I had huge food cravings, sugar crashes, and an incredible draw towards all the terrible food I loved. It was overpowering, and I only had what felt like a tiny reserve of willpower. I couldn't hold back the oceanic-sized cravings, the draw to crappy food ALWAYS won. I beat myself up for having too little willpower, and I built my life around that failure. I was powerless against the food cravings, and after backsliding from Atkins, I hit my record high weight in April of 2013 - 440lbs. That number hit me right in the gut, as I'd been 220lbs when I got off active duty with the Marine Corps in August of 1989.
In 24 years, I literally became TWICE the man I used to be. That number crushed part of me, deep inside.
At that point, I had knee surgery, and a heart issue was found. I was in A-Fib, requiring four days in the Cardiac wing to undergo extensive tests.
Nobody, myself included, would have been surprised if I never made it out of the hospital.
I did, of course, and over the next 16 months I made really good progress. I had a job in downtown Chicago that required a half mile walk twice a day. I had a salad each day at lunch. I watched the movie "Hungry For Change", and discovered juicing. I read "Salt, Sugar, Fat", and "Fat Chance", and I got ANGRY. I realized that I'd gotten addicted to crap that was engineered to entrap me, which it had done marvelously. I wanted to break myself of that 'false hold' just like I'd done with smoking.
I found the Whole 30.
My Sister had done it, trying to break her sugar habit. As an accomplished Triathlete, it had several great benefits for her, and as I read the Whole 30 guidebook "It Starts With Food", I kept feeling like it had been written just for me.
They understood.
I cleaned out my cabinets, ordered food, researched recipes, and tried stuff out. I bought a damn spiralizer!
On September 2nd, 2014, I started my Whole 30. I did daily postings of my meals & how I was feeling, and the change was simply astounding. Within days I felt better. By week two I was seeing the light. By week three I knew I wanted MORE.
I kept going.
One Hundred and Twenty days later, here I am! I feel amazing. I sleep fantastic. My pant size is down from 62 to 50. I've added SIX holes to my belt! I've not had ANY knee pain in two months! I walk more than 1.5 miles a day. I go to Aqua Fit at least twice a week! Every time I go upstairs in my house, I RUN! It's only 13 stairs, but, I RUN STAIRS!
I am down 67lbs since April of 2013. I am down 31lbs just since October 1st!
I am so grateful, I could cry. It feels like the sun has come out after a long grey winter. I feel for the first time since 1989 that I can manage the cravings & beat this food addiction. I feel for the first time as if I'm the one in control of my life. I'm celebrating my Day 120 on my Birthday, filled with joy & gratitude.
...and on January 5th, I recommit, and I'm going for ANOTHER Whole 120! With a few new tricks ;-)
Happy New Year, my friends. Your support has been amazing, and I don't have enough vocabulary to express the depth of my gratitude.
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