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Thursday, September 01, 2022

September always feels like a good opportunity for setting "back to school" goals. January is a crisp, clean re-start, but September feels like a perfect time to re-set. Summer is still in the air, and the crush of The Holidays feels deceptively far away...

So, I've been thinking about instituting the 80/20 rule in my life. It feels rationally realistic without going too deeply into crazy Crossfit-type workouts or super-strict Paleo. The 80% solution, 'reasonably applied' should be very livable.

Doing some back-of-the-napkin math ... three meals a day, or 21 per week, 80% is 16.8-ish meals per week - all the weekdays & almost two weekend meals? If I figure a snack a day ... 28/80=22.4 or 5.4 days worth of eating ...

Don't let 'perfect' be the enemy of 'good', right? Ok! Let's call it 'strict weekdays, with reasonable weekends'?

Here is my plan:

Weekdays I will 'move' & 'eat well' without angst over a percieved lack of perfection. I am currently exhausted, unwell, and angry - so I will need to 'fake it till I make it' and these things genuinely turn around on their own. I'm sick & tired of being ... sick & tired!!!

Movement is anything - steps, bike, weights, swim - just MOVE. No minimum requirement.

Eating is just 'no crap' - no processed, boxed food, no refined flour / sugar / artificial sweeteners / artificial dairy / etc. Each weekday I'll do my Fasting until I hit my blood glucose trigger, re-feeding with a low-glycemic 'whole food', protien-forward mindset.

Weekends are not a free for all - movement & good feeding are preferred, but "life" can happen without angst.

My weight has been steady (blue chart) within 10lbs for exactly a year. Havent LOST - dammit - but steady w/in 10lbs is it's own gift. My blood glucose has been pretty damn good as well. Hoping some focus gets these both even better with some good traction as we go into the Halloween to Valentines zone-of-sugar.

Updates to follow ...

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