It's interesting to plug in your daily diet to FitDay & see the nutritional breakdown. It's interesting to track weight numbers & body measurements over time, and periodically, it can give validation at the annual physical exam.
Blood pressure of 125 / 80 ain't too bad for someone still 150lbs overweight. Fasting Glucose of 92 feels "ok", though with my Low Carb version of Paleo, I'm surprised it's that high. Total Cholesterol is 177, Triglycerides are 86, and HDL is 49.
Not too shabby, but not earth shaking, either. I figure that my HDL will come up as I continue lifting heavy things - but I have no idea how quickly that will bounce.
Looking at the breakdowns on my nutritional intake - I'm meeting 100% of everything, except Vitamin D (which I supplement), Calcium, Fiber, and Carbs.
Carbs being low is totally fine with me, but that helps explain the low fiber. Fine - I'll pump up the leafy green stuff, and just stay on the low glycemic end of the veggie scale. Done!
Calcium is a tough one - but a lot of my reading & research has told me that the real issue is Magnesium - tougher to get through the modern diet, and our bodies substitute Calcium. So, I supplement w/ Magnesium, and according to recent blood work, my Calcium number is fine.
So - the issue?
I'm suddenly not losing 10+ pounds per month like I was, and looking at my (relatively) high fasting glucose number, I think the root cause is in the pictured pie chart.
My intake percentages are all off. Like the title of the book says - "It Starts With Food".
My protein intake is good, but I've been focused on trying to get 'enough' good fats. That can certainly stop - I'm taking in plenty of protein to 'carry along' more than enough Fat! If I focus on high quality food sources (grass fed, pastured, wild caught), then the carried along Fat will be high quality, and I can relax about eating a spoonful of Coconut oil each morning, and finding an avocado to eat everyday.
Relax on the fat....
...focus on bumping up the veggies!
Could it possibly be that simple???
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