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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Eight Measures of my Success

A year ago I was ON FIRE, working out, feeling GREAT, and losing weight. This September I'm exhausted, frustrated, fighting food cravings, sedentary, and regaining a bit of weight. As I look to turn it all around, I was jotting down a few notes - after all, I know EXACTLY how to do this! The hard part isn't "doing" any aspect of this - it's being CONSISTENT. And when I was writing down all my daily health & fitness metrics I want to hit ... it felt like too much.
Too hard. Too complicated.

So? Simplify, dumbass!

Each of these metrics had a LOT behind it, but hell, I know what to do! It just felt too hard to hit ALL EIGHT of these ... every DAMN day. So ... I figured ... since I was failing at being perfect, what would be the "minimum effective dose"? Rather than beating myself up for not hitting 100%, what would 70% look like?

Then I thought, make it even easier, dumbass! Don't 'score' or weight these by impact - each one is a Y/N answer every day, and out of a possible 8, how about if I just aim to always hit at least 5?

If I do 5 of these, EVERY day, that'll pretty much kick ass! That should be an easy calculation every day, and 'should' be something I can catch up each night while watching TV before bed.

In the meantime, here is what each one means to me:

1. 10k steps. Self explanatory. I don't care if it's a Rucking day, Mall Shopping, or Lawn Mowing. 10k per day.

2. Fast until hitting my Blood Glucose "trigger". This is Marty Kendall's "Data Driven Fasting" where we use the body's fuel gage (blood sugar) to determine the length of our daily intermittent fasting. Roughly speaking, I'm looking to hit 86, I wake up in the mid 90's, and I'll hit trigger around Noon.

3. Finish each day at, or under, 2,000 calories. Easy metric, just have to track food. Sometimes (especially when 'out'), I'll just take a quick meal-photo, then log it later using the photo as a reminder / reference.

4. Protein at or exceeding 180g per day. This, and the next measure get into "food quality", but THIS one is simple - stay "protein forward!"

5. P:E = 1:1
This one gets complicated. Requires serious food tracking & planning. "P" is Protein in grams. "E" is "Energy", which is simply the added combination of Fat & Carbs. 1:1 is the ration I need to hit - and it's damn hard. Staying among Paleo-ish (single ingredient) foods is key, staying protein forward is key, and "pre logging" to plan it all out is key. Putting chocolate vital proteins in my morning coffee sets the table nicely. From there, just think "Paleo & Low Carb", and I can get there. High Carb / Low Fat gets me all wongly.

Wongly - Bad! ;-)

6. Rucking. Easy Y/N answer, just takes a serious block of time. Might try a 5:45 wakeup to hit it from 6am to 7am. Requires a 10pm bedtime, which may not be realistic.

7. Weights. Easy Y/N answer, just takes a Pool Workout, or equivalent KB type workout.

8. Sleep = 7 hours or better. I'd like to get REM better than 2 hours, and DEEP better than 1 hour - but 7 hours asleep on a regular basis would be HUGE!