Short Stopper – The person who stops one or more car lengths before a stop light, or behind the car in front of them. Bonus points when you're endlessly stuck behind them because their car isn't on the sensor to trip the light.
Red Light Creeper – A version of the short stopper who constantly inches forward all during the red light
CIA Operative – Doesn't "actually" break any laws, but drives erratically enough to ensure no one could possibly follow or predict where they are going
Oblivious Soccer Mom – Typically a minivan (can also be a luxury SUV), tends to be all over the road as the Mom inside pays more attention to her offspring than those on the road around her. Bonus points for the "Baby On Board" sticker
Angry Tradesman – The "worker guy" trucks and vans who bully their way through traffic, clearly offended that the world is in their way
Directionally Impaired – The person who consistently realizes at the last minute that they need to cross three lanes of traffic to turn
Self Centric Obliviot – The person who will block traffic as they attempt to merge, make a turn, or even a u-turn – because they are more important than everyone else around them. The rest of us would rather go around the block, or take the next turn – but not this guy.
Turn Signal Zealot – The person who believes their rare use of a turn signal is SO special it grants them immediate authority to grant them right-of-way, rather than the commonly accepted "request" to turn or merge
Neighborhood Speeder – Clearly, they must be Doctors rushing to emergency surgery - cutting through small residential streets with abandon
End Of Lane Fist Shaker – The person who simply cannot believe their lanes ends (regardless of the big yellow "Lane Ends" sign), nor understand why the rest of the world isn't required to yield to their angry gestures. I saw the sign, I made my decision early, and it's not my job to merge with YOU!
Watchful Motorcycle – the guy lane-splitting and weaving between cars at high speed who has a "Watch For Motorcycles" sticker. Usually with no helmet or any protective gear whatsoever. Bonus points to the guy with shorts & flip-flops.
Safety Sam / Cautious Carol – The overly slow driver, the pebble in the stream that everyone has to flow around – ironically causing much more chaos and confusion
Left Lane Camper – creates a rolling roadblock due to complete & total ignorance of "Drive Right, Pass Left", inevitable outrage & anger when called out
Four Way Stop Cop – The person who waits at the 4 way stop to ensure you also stop – usually who will act outraged (or even yell!) when proceeding without interference because they inevitably believe the rule is "one at a time"
Speakerphone Reality – those who hold the phone in front of their face on speaker (a-la-reality shows), erroneously believing this meets the "hands-free" requirement because they aren't actually holding the phone up to their ear
Overly Solicitous Midwesterner – People who wait & wave you on – regardless of rules or whatever anyone else is doing, inevitably creating confusion & chaos