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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

All my mail. EVER.

All my mail. EVER.
Originally uploaded by The Put-Man.

Addressed to EVERY place I've ever lived, and THAT speaks volumes! I'm sure there were periods when it would have been easier to address mail to the license plate of my car than an actual address.

It kept the postmen busy, even when things were tough for me...and even though I never said it, that was when it meant the most. It shames me that by comparison, I have sent so little.

I got tons from my Mom...and WOW...over the years she has had a BUNCH of different stationary! A huge amount from my sister Bethie, a good bit from Phil - going all the way back to his days at UNC, pre-dating his becoming my brother-in-law. A few from my brother Andrew, and even a few from my step-Dad BILL! My Grandfather's handwriting always stands out, as do his interesting postcards and stamps. And I have a lot from handwriting we sadly don't get to see anymore...I have an unbelievable volume of mail from "Grandmommy", as we called my Grandmother...and even a few from my Dad, and even my Great Grandmother, TooMa.

It illustrates to me what a lucky person I am to be part of such a great family, and even luckier still to have made some truly great friends. And having seen most of you for my Niece's Christening, it just makes me miss every one of you all that much more.